
Clients Testimonials

  • “I began training with Jim in July of 2016. My original goals were to improve my balance, endurance and stamina, as well as lose some weight. Jim has helped me reach all of my goals and continues to keep me motivated to push past my perceived limits to get results each and every session. Jim is the perfect combination of tough (“I can’t do ONE more rep!”) and encouraging (“Yes you can!”) (“Yes. I can.”) He also places a high value on correct form with each exercise (I had learned a lot of things incorrectly at my previous gym). His easy-going, friendly personality creates a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere. He is passionate about fitness and it shows through the energy and enthusiasm he brings to every session. Jim is beyond well-qualified to train me to be the best that I can be. Because of his efforts, I am stronger, more flexible, and have better balance. I am also 50 pounds lighter (and six clothes sizes smaller), due to a macro diet he has been helping me with. His formal education and his experience is extensive, so I know that every step I take and every exercise I do will continually improve my quality of life. I recommend Jim White without reservation.”

    — Debby K.
    (In-person Personal Training client)

  • “Jim truly goes above and beyond for his athletes. I have a great personal and professional relationship with Jim. He’s been my coach for over 6 years now and I still get excited for each new training cycle whether it’s strength and conditioning focused or preparing for an Olympic weightlifting meet. I enjoy working with Jim and my performance is always increasing as a result of the time and effort Jim’s puts forth. ”

    — Jeff L.
    (National-level Masters weightlifter)

  • “Jim has been my weightlifting coach for 7 years and counting now. His expertise has allowed me to accomplish more than I ever thought I could! Thanks to him I am a multiple time Masters National Champion, a Masters World Champion and a Master World Record Holder. His expertise in programming targets my technique weaknesses while simultaneously getting me incredibly strong. He cares about the overall health of his athletes and uses tough love to ensure I stay healthy and strong overall, not just for the sport of weightlifting, but healthy and strong as an athlete. He has gotten me back from multiple surgeries that could have been career ending to an athlete. I trust him explicitly to tailor his programming to what I need. ”

    — Gwen C.
    (World Champion Masters weightlifter)

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